
Filter Plus


Filter plus is a masterpiece filter using sophisticated technology containing silver nanoparticles for significant reduction of harmful substances in shisha smoke and bacteria transferred from the shisha hose. Disposable oral hookah filters cause a remarkable decrease in harmful hookah smokes.

This filter with its Nanoparticles can absorb and separate particles existing in hookah smoke. So far, more than 4,000 chemicals have been found in tobacco that contains compounds such as nicotine, free radicals, harmful gases, volatile organic compounds, aldehydes, aromatics, etc. Most of these compounds cause problems such as cancer and vascular heart disease.

This product has antibacterial properties. Also, according to the results of a test conducted at the Tobacco Research Center, the reduction of harmful substances, such as condensates, nicotine, and diphtheria, a tobacco sample using the laboratory hookahs of the research and training center, is as follows:


With filter:

Smoke condenser (mg/10gr) 21013

Humidity smoke (mg/10gr) 1895.9

 Nicotine Smoke ( mg/10gr) 2.07

Qatran (mg/10gr) 197.8

Without filter:

Smoke condenser (mg/10gr) 3110.5

Humidity smoke (mg/10gr) 2343.8

Nicotine Smoke (mg/10gr) 3.02

Qatran (mg/10gr) 763.6